Robert Fromont

Stranger in an Even Stranger Land

Nothing to write home about

One Nighters

Wednesday, 9 Nov 2005 - 9:00AM

El Beso has without question the best dancers. I almost never have anything worse than an ok dance there, in stark contrast to, for example, Canning on a Monday night - last night at Canning I had nothing but the worst dances in my life.

But at El Beso, in the last couple of weeks, I've had two of
the best dances of my life.

Interestingly (and possibly in keeping with my theory that enjoyment of a dance isn't necessarily mutual) in both cases, when I asked the lovely (twice my age) lady whether she came here often - ok, this may sound cheesy, but it's a pretty standard 3-minute-friend question - she evasively said "oh, I don't go to milongas regularly, just whenever and wherever I can".

Clearly these tango crone-goddesses don't like to be hunted down. That's ok, they were still lovely dances; as
N would say, I can die a happy man.