Robert Fromont

Stranger in an Even Stranger Land

Nothing to write home about

levantarse II

Wednesday, 8 Mar 2006 - 1:10AM

Had a good attempt at chatting up a local lady at some milongas last week, but we just lurched from one awful and misunderstanding to another (she didn’t speak any English). She seems to have disappeared from the milonga scene this week, so my resolve to press on regardless (I’m finally resigning myself to constantly feeling embarrassed and stupid here, in all arenas of life) came to naught.

I have very little idea what we talked about, but one possible scenario is:

She: “You’re such a good dancer. Actually, do you want to go for ‘coffee’ after?”
I: “Thanks! Sorry, what was that last bit?”
She:[a little louder] “Do you want to go with me for ‘coffee’?”
I: “What? Sorry, I didn’t understand”
She:[looks around a little embarrassed] ... [makes a gesture making it clear that there would be no repeating that on a crowded dancefloor]
We:[dance the next tango]
I: [try to figure out what the flock she’s on about]
I: “That was lovely”
She: “Can I come back to your place tonight?”
I: [there are limits to how many times you can say ‘what’ to the same person] “Yes, I know. Anyway, I’m off home now. Perhaps I’ll see you later sometime?”

…or maybe she was talking about devaluation of the peso. I don’t know.