Robert Fromont

Stranger in an Even Stranger Land

Nothing to write home about

25 de mayo

Saturday, 27 May 2006 - 1:40AM

It was Argentinian Revolution Day yesterday, so it was a public holiday.

People from all over the country came to Buenos Aires in hundred of buses, to go in parades and marches through the city. The main street of Buenos Aires is two blocks from my house, so it was very noisy, and there were lots of buses parked on the street - if you stepped off my balcony and on to the top of the bus parked outside, you could walk to the next block along the rooves of all the buses by the side of the road.

According to
C, I had to were an escarapela (a wee ribbon with the colours of the Argentine flag) over my heart and eat locro (which is a type of meaty vegetable broth). I did both those things, so now I'm a proper Argentinian.

Then at midnight last night, they played the Argentinian national anthem at
Niño Bien, and everybody stood up and sang it. Pretty weird - I doubt they'd do that in a New Zealand milonga. And if they did, I bet nobody would know the words...