Robert Fromont

Stranger in an Even Stranger Land

Nothing to write home about

Stories overheard in cafes - part I - Plaza España

Wednesday, 21 Nov 2007 - 18:05PM

Cafe Plaza España" I'm always getting in trouble with the neighbours about the dog. He's a cat-catcher, hunts down cats all round the neighbourhood.  The come and complain, I have to get new cats, the dog's a disaster
"Anyway, I'm cleaning the car on a Saturday afternoon, and along comes the dog, happy as can be.  He trots up to me, and what's he brought?  He's got a white rabbit by the throat, dead as a dodo. It's got a little red pom pom tied round its neck.
"I know where it's come from, the neighbours who live behind me have a white rabbit.  So I think, what am I going to do now?  First all the cats in the neighbourhood, now he's moving on to rabbits.
Coffee contraption "I don't want another scandal in the neighbourhood, and I know a guy who breeds white rabbits, a friend of mine.  So I go and buy another rabbit, exactly the same, tie the red pom pom around its neck, and I let it go at the neighbour's place. And so I think ok, that's the end of that.
 "Then about a week later, I was talking to the neighbour behind, and he said to me 'I think I'm going crazy - you know how we had a white rabbit?  Well a few weeks ago it died.  We buried it in the ground and everything, but then last week I came home, and there it was again, alive!  It's like we've got the ghost of our rabbit running round the yard!'
"Of course I just kept quiet, didn't say anything..."